How to Soothe Digital Eyestrain and Dry Eye

How to Soothe Digital Eyestrain and Dry Eye

How to Soothe Digital Eyestrain and Dry Eye

How to Soothe Digital Eyestrain and Dry Eye

Everyone experiences eyestrain at some point as their eyes get tired from overuse. Digital eyestrain (DES) is a common problem that occurs due to prolonged digital device use. It can be uncomfortable, but it is rarely serious. A common symptom of DES is eye dryness. Resting the eyes and taking measures to reduce eye discomfort helps to relieve symptoms.

Increased Digital Device Use


The extended use of digital devices has made eyestrain, dry eye, and other conditions more common. Also known as computer vision syndrome, digital eyestrain affects individuals of all ages. Those who look at a digital screen for more than two hours daily are at greatest risk.

People tend to blink less when using digital devices. Blinking is vital for keeping the eye surface moist. Other problems involve viewing digital screens at incorrect distances, exposure to reflection or glare, and poor text versus background contrast.

What Causes Digital Eyestrain


Looking at a computer screen or using digital devices for long causes eyestrain. DES can also occur from focusing too long or reading without pausing to rest the eyes. Being exposed to glare or bright light and straining to see in dim lighting can cause DES. Exposure to dry moving air from air-conditioning, fans, and heating systems can also cause eyestrain. Being fatigued or stressed can exacerbate the symptoms.

Symptoms of Digital Eyestrain


Symptoms of DES vary in severity depending on the individual. Sometimes, eyestrain can be due to an underlying disease. Symptoms of DES include:

·      Tired or sore eyes.

·      Burning or itching.

·      Eye dryness.

·      Excessive eye-watering.

·      Double or blurry vision.

·      Headaches.

·      Pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.

·      Increased light sensitivity.

·      Difficulty sleeping.

Eyestrain can make it hard to keep the eyes open or concentrate. In many cases, simply changing your digital device use habits can eliminate the symptoms.

DES Complications


Eyestrain does not usually have long-term consequences, but it can be unpleasant. It can affect your ability to concentrate and make you tired. An eye specialist can diagnose the problem during an eye exam.

Treatment usually involves making changes to your daily habits. If you have dry eye, the doctor can recommend treatment to relieve the symptoms. Getting new lenses or changing your eyeglass or contact lens prescription can help to reduce eyestrain.

Soothing Digital Eyestrain


There are things you can do to prevent or reduce eyestrain. They include:

·      Limiting your screen time.

·      Adjusting the lighting in your room.

·      Taking regular breaks when using digital devices.

·      Blinking frequently when using computers.

·      Adjusting your monitor and screen settings.

·      Use artificial tears regularly to prevent eye dryness.

·      Wearing the right eyeglasses or contact lenses for computer use.

·      Improving indoor air quality. You can do this by adjusting the thermostat, using a humidifier, and avoiding smoke.

Your eye doctor can recommend lens tints and coatings that can help protect your eyes while working on the computer. If you experience eye discomfort or vision changes, visit your optometrist for diagnosis and treatment. Regular eye exams help to ensure you protect your vision and eye health.

For more on how to soothe digital eyestrain and dry eye, visit Gulf Coast Vision at our office in Gulfport, Mississippi. Call (228) 262-0266 to book an appointment today.

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