What Can a Comprehensive Eye Exam Detect?

What Can a Comprehensive Eye Exam Detect?

What Can a Comprehensive Eye Exam Detect?

What Can a Comprehensive Eye Exam Detect?

Comprehensive eye exams are the gold standard of eye exams. They thoroughly check your eyes and not only detect eye diseases. They also spot other health conditions. Comprehensive eye exams are crucial, and you should get one every year. It will give you a head start on any treatment you may need and prevent vision loss. 

Some of the conditions that comprehensive eye exams detect include:



Patients with diabetes may not show any symptoms until it is too late. The disease is very sneaky, creeping in even if you have perfect vision. However, the doctor may find early signs as they perform a comprehensive eye exam. The tiny blood vessels in the retina may leak blood or fluid, indicating you may have diabetic retinopathy.

Retinal imaging devices help the doctor check the retina and catch the damage in its early stages. Some people believe that when diabetes starts to affect your eyes, the result is vision loss. That does not have to be the case. Early diagnosis will lead to treatment, which may save your vision.


Heart Disease

How does your heart connect to your eye? Through your blood vessels. The doctor can detect clogged arteries during your comprehensive eye exam. They can see little plaque deposits in the eye. These deposits break away from the buildup in the carotid artery and can cause a stroke if they reach the brain. The doctor will order further tests if they suspect that you have a problem. 

The eye exam may also detect decreased blood flow in the retina. It causes the cells to die. People with heart disease have more signs or lesions resulting from the death of these cells. These signs can help the doctor prevent a heart attack.


High Blood Pressure

Sometimes, you may cough or sneeze too hard, causing bleeding in the eye. It is usually harmless. But when a tiny blood vessel breaks and leaks blood into the eye, it can signify high blood pressure. 

These vessels may leak blood without any provocation. The doctor may also detect swelling in the eye as the arteries stiffen. It causes eye bulging as it presses against a blood vessel.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

The condition may cause dry eyes. The main symptom is a low quantity of tears, leading to redness and irritation of the eyes. Another symptom is scleral inflammation; the sclera is the white part of the eye that contains connective tissue and collagen. The inflammatory conditions affect the collagen, which constitutes most of the sclera.


Thyroid Disorder

The doctor may notice that your eyelids retract and cause protruding eyeballs. These are signs that your thyroid is overactive. The eyelids move from their usual position and cause the eyes to look like they are protruding. 

It can also lead to dry eye since the lids do not cover the eye as they should. The doctor will use other diagnostic tools to measure how far the eyeball protrudes. It confirms whether you have thyroid dysfunction or not.

For more information on comprehensive eye exams, visit Gulf Coast Vision. Call (228) 262-0266 to schedule an appointment today.

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